Recent News and Issues Important to CA members

CA’s 2024-2025 Policy Platform
During the CA Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors discussed and approved its 2024-2025 Policy Platform, which can be read and downloaded from here.

2024 CA Annual Meeting
The CA Annual Meeting will be held on October 10, 2024 in Scottsdale, Ariz. Members may call 800-432-3276 for more details and to register to

2023 CA Annual Meeting
2023 Communicating for America (CA) Annual Meeting of members was held in Edina, Minn. on Friday, September 29 at 9:00 a.m. CT. All members of

CA Foundation Alleviates Over $3.3 Million in Medical Debt for Minnesotans
Today the CA Foundation announced it has paid off over $3.3 million in medical debt of over 3,700 Minnesotans through RIP Medical Debt. Read the

CA Survey Results on Medical Debt
CA recently conducted a survey with the general public and association members regarding their attitudes toward medical debt and how medical debt affects their finances

CA Signs On To Family Business Coalition Efforts
CA recently participated in a Family Business Coalition effort asking the House Ways and Means Committee to re-think taxation for unrealized capital gains at death–a

2021 CA Annual Meeting
The Communicating for America (CA) Annual Meeting was held on August 23, 2021, in Minneapolis. This was a rescheduled date after postponing the meeting earlier

CA Foundation Donates to RIP Medical Debt to Eliminate $2 Million in Medical Bills.
The CA Foundation (CAF), which provides scholarship and grants to other 501(c) (3) institutions, and sponsors training and internship programs, is pleased to announce its donation

CA In Favor of Opposition Sent to Congress
Recently, the Council for Affordable Health Coverage, of which Communicating for America is a member, sent a letter to Congressional leadership opposing binding arbitration for

Farmers Using Technology to Get Best Pricing
Thousands of farmers across the U.S. are banking on mobile technology to help them compare and purchase seed and chemicals at the best rate for

2021 Annual Meeting
The Communicating for America 2020 annual membership meeting was held Friday, October 9, 2020, in Fergus Falls, Minn. and online virtually. The 2021 annual meeting

CA Outlines Platform for Rural Economic Justice
CA has released a white paper entitled, Platform for Rural Economic Justice which expresses the voice of rural Americans who are far too often forgotten by

CA Calls for Delay of HHS Short Term Insurance Regulation
Today CA sent newly appointed HHS Secretary Tom Price a letter urging the department to delay a regulation on short term health insurance that would limit

CA Sets “Guaranteed Access Pool” as Priority at Congressional Staff Briefings if Republicans Repeal the ACA
Consumer advocacy group Communicating for America (CA) will speak at the January 12, 2017 Congressional Staff Briefing sponsored by the Council for Affordable Health Coverage

CA Addresses Likely Obamacare Health Law Changes With Legislators
On December 5, Jeff Smedsrud, Chairman and CEO of Communicating for America, took to The Hill in Washington D.C. to meet with legislators about potential

FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS: Why CMS Should Not Restrict Short-Term Medical Market
Statement of Communicating for America regarding proposed changes made public on June 10, 2016 to Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance…

CA Calls for an End to Health Insurance Tax Penalty for Some Rural Residents
Insurance companies exiting the health care marketplace in 2017 creates lack of competition and price inequality, offering no coverage choices for millions of rural Americans

CA Sends Joint Support in Letter to Ways and Means
Communicating for America joined the Council for Affordable Health Coverage to request prompt consideration of H.R. 2911/S. 1697 from the leaders on the Committee on

CA Annual Meeting Reminder
The CA annual meeting and luncheon will be held Friday, March 4, 2016, in Scottsdale, Arizona. beginning at 12:00 p.m, The meeting will be held

CA Issues Call to Action Opposing Medicare Part D Rebates
Communicating for America has joined the Council for Affordable Health Coverage, and 380 other organizations leading the effort to support Medicare Part D and oppose

First Visit Free Offer from Doctor On Demand
Exciting news! For a limited time, your first Video Visit with Doctor On Demand is FREE. As you may know, we offer easy, stress-free access to Board Certified doctors (for adults and children) through your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Sign up TODAY* – so you’re ready when you need Doctor On Demand! Download our app in the Apple App Store or Google Play, or visit doctorondemand.com. Enter coupon code CFAFREE1 when prompted. You can then use your free visit anytime.

Members Disagree With Obama’s Executive Action Plan
In a recent December survey, CA members were asked whether they agreed with President Obama’s use of executive action on undocumented immigrants. A total of 64% of respondents did not agree with the President’s action. We can infer that this means our members would prefer Congress to tackle immigration reform. CA has long been committed to working with Capitol Hill to get a bipartisan immigration bill passed.

Introducing Doctor On Demand – New Benefit for 2015
Doctor On Demand offers easy, stress-free access to board-certified medical doctors (for adults and children) through Video Visits on your smart phone or computer – all from the comfort of your own home.

Your Opinion Matters
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey regarding issues that continue to be hotly debated in Congress: the Affordable Care Act (ACA), environmental issues, immigration reform, individual tax reform and the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Please take the time to take our survey here

CA Encourages Members to “Shop Around” – Consumers Are In Charge
The 2nd Open Enrollment is just around the corner. CA President Patty Strickland encourages all CA members to review the plan they selected through the Federal or State Marketplace and “Shop Around” for the best health plan to suit your current situation.

It’s About the Consumer: Health Insurance Marketplace Survey
Communicating for America is surveying members to find out how they feel about shopping for health insurance since Obamacare launched. Your participation is important

June CA Survey
As the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and immigration reform continue to be hotly debated in Congress, Communicating for America continues to work with legislators of

Affordable Care Act University- The Facts not the Fiction
Join CA, the Council for Affordable Health Coverage and the National Association of Manufacturers on May 1 for this Complimentary Webinar Series on the Affordable Care

CA legislative team takes member survey results directly to Congress
Communicating for America’s legislative team recently met with more than 50 House and Senate offices in Washington, DC to relay the results of the most

Clear Answers: The ACA’s Enrollment Deadline and Health Insurance Mandate
With the Healthcare Exchange Open Enrollment deadline of March 31 fast approaching, it is important to have all the facts about who is and who

Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) Extended
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced that those consumers enrolled in the PCIP program will be allowed to keep their coverage

CA becomes first national organization to call on President Obama to extend Open Enrollment period to purchase health insurance to May 15
Communicating for America is calling on President Obama to extend the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) open enrollment period for individuals to sign up for a

CA Supports Legislation Providing Additional Coverage Options
In a letter to US Senator Mark Begich, CA joined forces with several other national business, self employed and consumer advocacy groups in support of

CA Urges Bi-partisan Immigration Reform
In a letter to key House members in both parties, Communicating for America is urging lawmakers to take up bi-partisan Immigration reform legislation. Immigration reform

CA President: Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) Extension a Start, More Needed to Protect the Most Vulnerable Americans
Communicating for America continues to advocate for additional measures to protect the sickest most vulnerable Americans during the transition to the new exchanges created under

CA celebrates major victory in the effort to expand affordable healthcare options
President Obama announced on Thursday that those Americans whose health insurance policies have been cancelled will be allowed to purchase catastrophic health insurance plans or

How to fix this mess
Amid the finger pointing and political theatre surrounding the so far inauspicious debut of Obamacare lurks this startling possibility: Come February, fewer Americans could be

The Law of Unintended Consequences: Will we have more people uninsured after health care reform than before?
The following op-ed written by CA Chairman Jeff Smedsrud appeared in a number of online and print publications: Sadly, fewer Americans could be covered under

Locate your State Health Insurance Exchange Website
With the new state health insurance exchange websites up and running, Communicating for America is committed to helping our members, and all self-employed and small

CA Foundation Scholarship Spotlight
Obtaining a horticulture internship in Europe has been something I wanted to do ever since I started attending the University of Wisconsin – River Falls.

CA Awarded Outreach Grant through MNSure
As one of the few national organizations to receive Minnesota navigator grant funding, this project through MNSure represents the first step in Communicating for America’s

First Day of School Memories & New CA Website
The first day of school has already passed for some and is just around the corner for others. As the “first day of school” photos

CA Supports Efforts to Repeal Small Business Health Insurance Deductible Cap
Communicating for America is working with the Coalition for Affordable Health Coverage to build support for H.R. 2995, the Unnecessary Cap Act of 2013, which

Legislative Update: Summer 2013
CA Testifies in Washington, DC, on US Immigration Policy; Advocates for International Agricultural Exchange Programs Communicating for America remains committed to finding reasonable solutions to the

Patty Strickland Named CA President
Patty Strickland was elected President of Communicating for America by the CA Board of Directors at their board meeting held March 22nd in Bloomington, MN.

CA Honors Retiring President Wayne Nelson for 27 Years of Service, Legislative Expertise
At the annual membership meeting, outgoing President Wayne Nelson was recognized for his outstanding service in the area of national legislative work and leadership in

CA Holds 41st Annual Meeting
CA held its annual membership meeting in conjunction with the quarterly board meeting March 23 in Bloomington, MN, electing a new president and recognizing longtime
Press Releases
CA Foundation Alleviates Over $3.3 Million in Medical Debt for Minnesotans Through RIP Medical DebtCOVID-19 Study Reveals High-Speed Broadband Disparity Across Social, Wealth and Rural Divides
Communicating for America Calls on Administration to Exclude Agriculture Industry From Immigrant Limitations
Communicating for America Backs Senate Legislation to Help Small Broadband Companies Aid Connectivity for Rural Communities During COVID-19 Pandemic
Communicating for America Supports Initiatives to Expand High-Speed Internet and End Rural Digital Discrimination With Commitment From President Trump
Communicating for America Releases Study on High-Speed Internet Discrepancies in Relation to Health Care in Rural Communities
Rural Advocacy Association Makes Donation to Alleviate $1 Million in Medical Debt
Infrastructure Deal Must Address Crisis in Rural Broadband
See all Press Releases